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Odumakin Remains a Star Even in Death - Makinde

Odumakin Remains a Star Even in Death - Makinde

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, said the late spokesman of the pan-Yoruba socio-political organization, Afenifere, Yinka Odumakin, remained a shining light even in death.

Makinde stated this while paying tribute to the late Afenifere chieftain during a funeral service held at the Origbo Anglican Grammar School, Moro, Osun State.

He maintained that Odumakin's works will continue to be a shining star to light the path of generations coming, adding that the late activist always spoke truth to power.

The governor, who attended the funeral service alongside his Osun and Ekiti States counterparts, Gboyega Oyetola and Dr. Kayode Fayemi, declared that Odumakin left indelible footprints in the sands of time.

He added that those he left behind in Afenifere will carry the battle for a just society to a logical conclusion.

Governor Makinde assured that the comrades and freedom-fighters whom the deceased left behind will continue from where he stopped, to actualize the dream of a better Nigeria.

In their separate remarks, Ekiti and Osun States Governors, Fayemi and Oyetola, eulogized the late publicity secretary of the Afenifere, whom they described as a patriot.

Fayemi said Odumakin spoke for the voiceless in spite of intimidation.

Governor Oyetola also praised Odumakin for his relentless struggle for the downtrodden, declaring that his name will never be forgotten.

Leader of Afenifere, Pa Ayo Adebanjo, who stated that he defied Yoruba culture to enable him to give honour to whom it is due, said that Odumakin was a rare gem in this generation.

He explained that the late Odumakin consistently fought against injustice and political imbalance.

He added that Odumakin was an uncompromising Awoist, a progressive to the core, who has achieved a feat that will never be forgotten.

Adebanjo urged all other Afenifere members to emulate the good virtues of Yinka Odumakin, saying, Yinka fought against imperialism, Fulanisation and colonisation by calling for the restructuring of the country, but that he never advocated secession.


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