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National Dialogue Will End Agitations - Benue Gov

National Dialogue Will End Agitations - Benue Gov

Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom has again reiterated the need for a National Dialogue which he says is the panacea for various agitations in the country.

Governor Ortom stated this today in Makurdi when he received participants of the Senior Executive Programme of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, NIPSS, Kuru on a courtesy call.

The Governor said the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended) needs further amendments to make it a more democratic document, stressing that combined with national dialogue, the country would be saved from further crises.

Governor Ortom pointed out that Benue, as the Food Basket of Nation would continue to advocate the unity and indivisibility of Nigeria, stressing that the challenges confronting the country are surmountable.

He noted that the government and people of Benue State remain committed to justice, equity and fairness to all.

Governor Ortom described as apt the theme for this year's NIPSS Senior Executive Programme - "getting things done: strategies for policy and programme implementation".

The leader of the delegation, Professor Fatai Aremu said they were in the state for a study tour as the institute had selected Benue among states to be visited by the Senior Executive Programme as a result of the achievements recorded by the present administration in the state.


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