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FG Earned 4 Trillion in 2020 - FIRS

FG Earned 4 Trillion in 2020 - FIRS

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has collected over four trillion Naira in total tax revenue in the year 2020.

This landmark achievement represents approximately 98% of the national tax target of N5.076 trillion set for the FIRS by the Federal Government.

Executive Chairman of the Service, Alhaji Muhammad Nami made the disclosure while addressing the journalists, in Abuja, Tuesday.

Analysing the significance of the 2020 performance, Alhaji Nami noted that the FIRS recorded the same feat at a time when the price of oil hit an all-time low. 

He added that the non-oil tax collection was 109% in 2020, which is 9% higher than the previous year. 

The FIRS boss commended the conscientious taxpayers in the country and dedicated members of staff of the FIRS nationwide for their support and devotion to work which made the performance possible despite the numerous obstacles encountered by the Service in 2020. 

He attributed the FIRS revenue generation success in 2020 to a number of reforms initiated by the Board and Management of the Service under his leadership. 

The reforms according to him,  include capacity building for members of the staff, improved staff welfare package and continuous collaboration with relevant stakeholders, among others.

The Executive Chairman was also optimistic the 2021 fiscal years will be better than the 2020 fiscal year.


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