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Quarantine Bill Scales Second Reading in Senate

Quarantine Bill Scales Second Reading in Senate

A Bill for an Act to Repeal the Quarantine Act 2004 and Enact the National Health Emergency Act scaled second reading in the Senate Wednesday.

The aim of the Bill is to among other things make provisions for regulation and prevention of the introduction and spread of infectious dangerous diseases in Nigeria.

Galaxy’s Godfrey Eshiemoghie reports that the Bill sponsored by Enugu North Senator, Chukwuka Utazi, empowers the Director-General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to make written orders of arrest without the need for an arrest warrant.

The Bill empowers the NCDC DG to order closure, disinfection and marking of any premises that may lead to an outbreak

Senator Utazi led the debate during consideration of the Bill in plenary.

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