NCC moves to boost research in Nigeria

The Nigerian communications commission has announced the provision of 20million Naira each to the beneficiary institutions for the professorial chair for 2019/2020 Academic year.
Executive vice chairman of the commission, Umar Danbatta made the announcement at the occasion of endowment of professorial chairs held in Abuja.
Danbatta said the project was borne out of the need to provide academic support for ICT focused research and other emerging Telecom industry issues that may confront the Country in future.
Stating that the plan will also enhance the quality of research, academic and professionalism in the beneficiary universities, Dambatta urged the beneficiaries to employ the plan in their daily operations in other to encourage the commission to do more.
He said the commission will take steps to accommodate more institutions in the years to come.
Beneficiaries described the project as an investment for the future- promising to utilize the resources and part of the grants to train those at Masters degree level as a way to boost research in the country.
Authorities of FUTO and BUK signed a memorandum of understanding with NCC for the project.
Cheques were also presented to the institutions by the executive vice chairman of NCC.