From Facebook with Love: the Song of a Broken Soul

It’s been some months of ephemeral obsession, a desire for something deep….A pursuit for true love and happiness, a crave for you!
Life was just beginning to make sense to me again. I was able to go through each day seamlessly without any doubt as to having found all that I had been looking for.
Every day was filled with energy and indeed passion.
I had met you from dear Facebook, where I thought I had found love. I would wake each day wanting to be close to you, but since you were miles away, I just had to do with talking to you on the phone every day. It was a new lease of life, a breath of fresh air.
I once said that we don’t choose who we fall in love with, but that true love finds us. Yeah! I was hoping Cupid had found you and I.
You came to me like rain in the arid Sahara. You brought so much reason to want to go on. You made me feel like I was loved (or so I thought)
My day was always filled with a whole lot of poetry rhymes. With you, I had lines; I had hope, I had faith.
You were drop-dead gorgeous and wonderfully created not just for my emotions but as a blessing to all humanity.. You made all the rigours seem light and spoke with so much energy and zest that I couldn’t wait to see you and pour all of my heart’s desires to you.
Shakespeare, Keats, Lord Byron and the hosts of ancient English writers wouldn’t have had the words to express what you do to me.
I had found a new vocation. You were the last person I thought about at night; and in the morning, the first person I would always want to communicate with was you.
Finding you was like finding a pearl, finding a rare gem. I never truly believed love came easily, but you were my elixir!
You believed so much in me and made me feel like the best. I had loved you even before I met you.
I had come to love you so easily, who wouldn’t have? When your voice alone could ease all of the pain in the world. I wish they would have used you to mediate for peace in the Middle Eastern region. Gosh! I was so blessed to have you in my life.. It was like Christmas, new year and my birthday all put together… it was sheer joy and absolute happiness!
I had once said that if loving you came with a price, I would go the distance to get you sunrise. I would find the path to solve that math and I would run the miles, to see that you always smile.
You were that important to me and I really doted and cherished you.
Alas! You wanted us to take it on the slow pace since we actually hadn’t met. I had acquiesced as I would do anything to be by your side.
But just how could you tell me, it would never work, that you sought a future of being married and getting the "happily ever-after" and having all the “societal expectations”? So am thinking you knew all the while and just led me on to play fool, well not like I mind, but it hurts to know that I would fight for love, which is more than could be said for you. Just how could loving me be implausible?
How can you so protect a future when you are not willing to fight for today’s happiness? Just how can you begin to tell me that I should face facts and not truths? What fact is there in hurt?
Just how could you tell me God wouldn’t agree to us being together? Does God have an odd sense of humor, knowing He had created love?
I love God truly to the extent that He comes first and as a father he wouldn’t deny me happiness. So just what are we talking about?
How could you have called me “baby”? How could you give me life and take it back leaving me morose. Just how could you? Didn’t I matter to you, didn’t you feel anything for me.
Then it hit me; it was no fault of yours... I had taken the fast lane, I had refused to press “PAUSE” in the fear that I might mistakenly press “STOP”. Forgive me. That is what happens when you make someone the centre of your life.
Well, I wouldn’t mind being friends without benefits so long as it keeps me by your side; and even if my heart got broken.
But just so you know, I might be a smooth-talker or smooth- operator like you opined, but if you looked deep within you, you would know that I had always been real, I had always cared truly for you. I believed in you and me; and still will.
Take care,
From Facebook with love,