TB Joshua to move ministry to Israeli?

Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) has confirmed that he will be moving his ministry to Israel.
He revealed that the Israeli government offered him both land and facilities and that the relocation would help people appreciate what his ministry has been contributing to the Nigerian economy.
The statements were made at his church service on Sunday, April. He added that the he has been offered both land and facilities in an area around the biblical site of the Sea of Galilee so he can organize meetings for international pilgrims.
Read statement below:
“This is where my Father in Heaven came from, it’s non-negotiable. It’s the best place for you to meet Prophet T.B. Joshua. After your healing, blessing and deliverance, you can move around all the spiritual monuments which will establish your faith. This is the most persecuted ministry in the world. Who are the people persecuting the ministry? My people, Africa. That is why I choose to live a lonely life. If you want to see me, come to this church. I don’t go out. It has not been easy because I don’t know who is a friend or who is an enemy.
Joshua said his decision to leave was not connected to the “persecution” he endured during his ministry.
TB Joshua said the move would help people to “appreciate” what his ministry had been contributing to both the local economy and Nigeria’s international image.
“This is the most persecuted ministry in the world. Who are the people persecuting the ministry? My people, Africa.
If you learn T.B. Joshua is not around, I am in a revival. I live in the church here. I don’t have a house outside. Anytime you pray, remember Africa in prayer. Many heroes and great people have been chased out of Africa. There are many geniuses in the Western world who are originally from Africa. That is why I choose to live a lonely life. If you want to see me, come to this church. I don’t go out. It has not been easy because I don’t know who is a friend or who is an enemy. If you learn T.B. Joshua is not around, I am in a revival. I live in the church here. I don’t have a house outside.”
He speaks further “Where you are not celebrated is the best place to stay, to get strength. When you are in the midst of a battle, you are building yourself. That is why I decided to stay where I am not celebrated here in Nigeria. When the grace of God is amid challenges, it gets stronger. Your life can preach a better sermon than your mouth.”
He then took to Facebook to post his pictures in Israeli with some of the officials.
He captioned one of the pictures saying, "Many of you don’t know why I have this passion. I want to pray for people; I want to see people healed and delivered. I derive joy seeing people free, seeing people laugh! I am just telling you the secret. I derive that joy. If there is anything that gives me joy, that is it! If you are not happy and God uses me to give you happiness that day I will not eat. I am not fasting but I easily forget to eat. I have that joy."
See pix below: