Peter Okoye stands against domestic violence

Nigerian singer, Peter Okoye has stepped out to put a stop to domestic violence, as took to social media to voice his opinion.
The increasing cases of domestic violence made the singer to come out to take a strong stand against such act from some men.
Peter wore a t-short, incribed ‘Stop Domestic Violence’ message with an African map logo. In an attempt to look his sincerity to put a stop to domestic violence, he added that any one that want to hit a woman will have to beat him first.
He said: “But seriously some MEN can fall hand. Next time if u want to beat or hit a Woman. Pls try beating me @peterpsquare @anthony_joshua or @floydmayweather then you will be called a reeeeeeeeaal MAN!Baboons! #StopDomesticViolence #RealMenDontBeatWomen #WomenAreNotPunchingBags #whereIsThelove❓”