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Senate Considers Bill to Establish National Food Reserve Agency

Senate Considers Bill to Establish National Food Reserve Agency

A bill for an act to establish the National Food Reserve Agency has scaled through second reading in the red chamber. The bill was sponsored by Senator Salihu Mustapha APC Kwara Central.


In his lead debate senator Salihu Mustapha said the Bill, when passed into law, would provide a legal framework on the country's National Food or Grains reserve Agency to function better than the way it is today. Addressing the media soon after the plenary, senator Salihu Mustapha said the bill will concentrate more on the legal framework.


He said the law will make the government increase food preservation by buying grains from the local farmers for the agency to preserve. Senator Salihu Mustapha said Nigeria relies more on Local farmers who primarily farm for feeding and take a little to the market to sell to solve their daily challenges.

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